Testing Standard:
ASTM D5487 Test Method for Simulated Drop of Loaded Containers by Shock Machines
Standard Number
ASTM D5487
Standard Title
Test Method for Simulated Drop of Loaded Containers by Shock Machines
Overview for ASTM D5487:
ASTM D5487 is a test method that covers a general procedure using shock machines to replicate the effects of vertical drops of loaded shipping containers, cylindrical containers, and bags or sacks. This test method is a general guideline to conduct the testing accurately with repeatable procedures. Purple Diamond Testing offers ASTM D5487 Testing as part of our packaging and product integrity testing services.
ASTM D5487 is a standard test method for simulating drop impact using an instrumented drop test machine. This test method is used to measure the dynamic response of a product or package subjected to impacts during handling, transportation, and storage. The instrumented drop test machine is designed to replicate real-world drops in a controlled environment, allowing manufacturers to evaluate the effectiveness of their packaging designs and materials.
ASTM D5487 specifies the standard procedures for conducting instrumented drop testing of loaded containers and palletized shipping units. This type of testing is essential for companies that manufacture or transport products that need to be shipped or transported from one place to another. By subjecting the containers and pallets to instrumented drop testing, companies can assess the durability and integrity of the packaging materials and make any necessary improvements. This helps ensure that the products arrive at their destination safely and intact, which is critical for maintaining customer satisfaction and avoiding costly damage claims. Furthermore, using ASTM D5487 instrumented drop testing procedures provides a standardized and reliable method for evaluating the performance of shipping containers and pallets, which can give companies a competitive edge in the market.
During the test, the product or package is placed on a sled or platform that is lifted to a specific height and then dropped onto a rigid or semi-rigid surface. The sled or package is equipped with accelerometers and strain gauges, which measure the impact forces and vibrations generated by the drop. The data is then analyzed to determine the likelihood of damage to the product or package.
ASTM D5487 is commonly used in industries such as electronics, medical devices, consumer goods, and transportation to ensure that products and packages can withstand the rigors of normal handling and shipping. By performing instrumented drop tests, manufacturers can identify design weaknesses and make improvements that reduce the risk of damage or failure in the field.
Rationale for ASTM D5487:
ASTM D5487 – Test Method for Simulated Drop of Loaded Containers by Shock Machines. Can be used to evaluate the protective performance of shipping containers and inner packaging materials are used to protect their contents from shock hazards that occur during handling. Simulated drops on a shock machine take human error out of the equation compared to ASTM D5276 (Drop Test by Free Fall). This test method is used to create general simulation hazards in a laboratory environment that are 100% repeatable.
Key Points:
- Challenges the ability of the packaging to withstand general shock hazards
- Evaluates the performance of shipping containers and inner packaging materials
- Provides a guide to conduct simulated drop of loaded containers on a shock machine
- Consider ASTM D5276 if a free fall drop test needs to be conducted
Related Standards:
- ASTM D3332 – Test Methods for Mechanical-Shock Fragility of Products, Using Shock Machines
- ASTM D4169 – Practice for Performance Testing of Shipping Containers and Systems
- ASTM D4332 – Practice for Conditioning Containers, Packages, or Packaging Components for Testing
- ASTM D5276 – Test Method for Drop Test of Loaded Containers by Free Fall
In conclusion,
1. ASTM D5487 is a standard test method for instrumented drop testing of loaded containers.
2. The purpose of instrumented drop testing is to evaluate the ability of containers to withstand the stresses of shipping and handling.
3. The test procedure involves dropping a container onto a hard surface from a specified height and measuring the forces and acceleration experienced by the container.
4. The results are used to evaluate the structural integrity of the container and to identify any weaknesses or potential failure points.
5. ASTM D5487 provides a standardized procedure for conducting instrumented drop tests on containers of different sizes and configurations.
6. The test can be used to assess the performance of a wide range of container types.
7. ASTM D5487 specifies the test parameters, equipment requirements, and data analysis procedures necessary to ensure accurate and consistent results. Reach out with any questions regarding any of the information you read.
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