Purple Diamond is a full-service package testing facility serving a variety of high-touch industries. Our facility hosts several dedicated laboratories, including an Environmental Conditioning Lab with ICH Stability Storage. We evaluate according to a diverse range of industry standards and procedures, such as ASTM, ISO, ISTA, TAPPI, and UN/DOT. Purple Diamond’s Quality Management System is managed following the requirements of ISO 17025:2017 through ANAB.
Packaging testing is the process of evaluating and verifying the quality, reliability, and effectiveness of packaging materials and methods to ensure that they meet the intended requirements and comply with industry standards.
There are several types of packaging tests that may be conducted including:
1) Physical Testing – This involves testing the physical properties of the packaging material such as strength, durability, and impact resistance.
2) Environmental Testing – This involves exposing the packaging material to various environmental conditions such as temperature, humidity, and light to ensure that it can withstand these conditions.
3) Chemical Testing – This involves testing the packaging material’s resistance to various chemicals, acids, and alkalis that it may come in contact with during its lifecycle.
4) Performance Testing – This involves testing the packaging material’s performance under simulated real-world conditions to ensure that it meets its intended purpose.
5) Compatibility Testing – This involves testing the compatibility of the packaging material with the product being packed to ensure that it does not react with or contaminate the product.
Moreover, packaging testing is vital in ensuring that products stay protected and undamaged throughout the supply chain, maintaining the product’s quality and integrity.
Testing is not only a good idea but also many industries have regulations in place that make testing mandatory. Purple Diamond offers its expertise from trained packaging engineers to help bring your product to market. Our engineers have industry experience with packaging and distribution systems, products and materials. We also test medical device packaging in accordance with ISO 11607 and are UN/DOT certified. Purple Diamond also offers extensive conditioning and distribution simulations of packaging components and a variety of materials testing.
We test to ISTA, ASTM, TAPPI, NMFC, ISO, and MIL specifications for a comprehensive service.
Testing Pages
- Quality Support
- Thank You for Your Form Submission
- Cold Chain Solutions and Packaging Validation
- ISTA Certification
- Guidelines for ISTA Test Procedures
- Consumer Products
- Packaging Validation
- Case Study for ISTA 3A
- Case Study for ISTA 3E
- ISO 11607
- ISTA Tests Quick Reference
- Implementing ISTA 1A Procedure for a Pharmaceutical Company
- Case Study for Cosmetics
- Case Study for Food and Beverage
- Case Study for Military Products
- Case Study for Pharmaceuticals
- Case Study for Consumer Goods
- Case Study of Packaging Testing
- Case Study for Medical Devices
- ISO – International Organization for Standardization
- Hazmat Certification Testing for Packaging
- ISTA 3L Generalized E-Commerce Retailer Fulfillment Test
- ASTM D3580 Vibration Integrity Testing
- ASTM D1596 Standard Test Method for Dynamic Shock Cushioning
- ASTM D5264 Abrasion Resistance of Printed Materials by the Sutherland Rub Tester
- ASTM D4169 Standard Practice for Performance Testing of Shipping Containers and Systems
- ISTA Accreditation
- DOT Accreditation
- ANAB Accreditation
- Request a Quote
- ASTM D4169 Standard Practice for Performance Testing of Shipping Containers and Systems
- Privacy Policy
- Amazon Frustration Free Package Evaluation
- Amazon Prep-Free Packaging Testing
- Amazon Ships in Own Container Testing
- Pallet Testing
- Package Integrity Testing
- ISTA Package Testing
- Hazardous Goods Package Testing
- E-Commerce Package Testing
- Distribution Testing
- Pharmaceuticals
- Medical Devices
- Food & Beverage
- Cosmetics
- Consumer Products
- Testing Industries
- ASTM F3039 Primary Packaging Dye Penetration
- ASTM F2250 Chemical Resistance of Printed Inks
- ASTM F2096 Primary Packaging Bubble Emission
- ASTM F1980 Accelerated Aging Medical Devices
- ASTM F1929 Primary Packaging Dye Penetration
- ASTM F1886 Primary Packaging Seal Integrity
- ASTM F1140 Primary Packaging Pressure Testing
- ASTM F88 Tensile Testing Seal Strength
- ASTM D7386 Small Parcel Package Testing
- ASTM D6653 Altitude Testing Packaging Systems
- ASTM D6344 Concentrated Impacts Transport Packaging
- ASTM D6179 Rough Handling Unitized Loads
- ASTM D6055 Mechanical Handling Unitized Loads
- ASTM D5487 Instrumented Drop Testing
- ASTM D5277 Inclined Impact Testing
- ASTM D5276 Drop Test by Free Fall
- ASTM D5265 Bridge Impact
- ASTM D4728 Vibration Testing of Shipping Containers
- ASTM D4332 Package Conditioning
- ASTM D3285 Cobb Test
- ASTM D3103 Thermal Performance of Distribution Packages
- ASTM D3078 Flexible Packaging Bubble Emission
- ASTM D999 Vibration Testing of Shipping Containers
- ASTM D951 Water Resistance of Shipping Containers
- ASTM D880 Impact Testing
- ASTM D685 Paper Conditioning
- ASTM D642 Compression Testing of Shipping Containers
- ISTA 1D Packaged Products 150 lb or More
- TAPPI T844 Basis Weight of Corrugated
- TAPPI T839 Edge Compression Test (ECT) – Clamp Method
- TAPPI T837 Bond Strength – Glue
- TAPPI T830 Sutherland Ink Rub
- TAPPI T829 Scorebend
- TAPPI T811 Edge Compression Test (ECT) Corrugated
- TAPPI T810 Burst Test of Corrugated
- TAPPI T807 Burst Test of Linerboard
- TAPPI T804 Shipping Container Compression Test
- TAPPI T802 Shipping Container Drop Test
- TAPPI T576 Tensile Properties of Tissue Products
- TAPPI T494 Tensile Properties of Paper Products
- TAPPI T460 Gurley Air Resistance
- TAPPI T441 Cobb Test
- TAPPI T432 Water Absorbency of Paper
- TAPPI T412 Moisture Content of Paper
- TAPPI T411 Caliper of Paper
- TAPPI T410 Grammage of Paper
- TAPPI T403 Burst Strength of Paper
- ISTA Project 6 AMAZON.COM Over Boxing
- ISTA 7E & Standard 20
- ISTA 7D Thermal Testing Transportation Simulation
- ISTA 4AB Simulated Performance Testing – User Defined
- ISTA 3K Fast Moving Consumer Goods – European Retail
- ISTA 3H Bulk Transport Containers
- ISTA 3F Packaged Products DC to Retail
- ISTA 3E Similar Packaged Products in Unitized Loads
- ISTA 3B LTL Shipments
- ISTA 3A Small Parcel Delivery Systems 150 lb or Less
- ISTA 2C Furniture Packaging
- ISTA 2B Packaged Products 150 lb or More
- ISTA 2A Packaged Products 150 lb or Less
- ISTA 1H Packaged Products 150 lb or More – Random Vibration
- ISTA 1G Packaged Products 150 lb or Less – Random Vibration
- ISTA 1E Unitized Loads
- ISTA 1C Individual Packaged Products 150 lb or Less
- ISTA 1B Packaged Products 150 lb or More
- ISTA 1A Packaged Products 150 lb or Less
- Testing Standards
- Testing Solutions Quiz
- Engineering
- Standard Test Lists
- Design
- Innovation Center
- About Us
- Contact Us
- Testing
- Quality Assurance Coordinator
- Business Development Manager
- Careers
- Container Closure Integrity Testing
- Cold Chain
- Stability Storage
- Product Testing
- Materials Testing
- Testing Capabilities
- DOT Accreditation
- ISTA Accreditation
- ANAB and ISO Accreditation
- Accreditations
- Comprehensive Package Testing
- Jobs
- Homepage
- Blog
- Services
- ASTM D642
- ASTM D685
- ASTM D880
- ASTM D951
- ASTM D999
- ASTM D3078
- ASTM D3103
- ASTM D3285
- ASTM D4169
- ASTM D4332
- ASTM D4728
- ASTM D5265
- ASTM D5276
- ASTM D5277
- ASTM D5487
- ASTM D6055
- ASTM D6179
- ASTM D6344
- ASTM D6653
- ASTM D7386
- ASTM F88
- ASTM F1140
- ASTM F1886
- ASTM F1929
- ASTM F1980
- ASTM F2096
- ASTM F2250
- ASTM F3039
- ASTM D1596
At Purple Diamond, we offer a free consultation or a guided tour of our facilities. Consultations can be done over the phone or on zoom, so choose what suits you best. To get in touch, go to our Contact Us page and fill out the form or book an appointment using the calendar below. Our goal is to assist you in any way possible, so please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Thank you so much for reading down this far and thank you for considering Purple Diamond as your dedicated testing, engineering, and design facility for all of your packaging needs.
Contact Us
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