Testing Standard:
ASTM D7386 Practice for Performance Testing of Packages for Single Parcel Delivery Systems
Standard Number
ASTM D7386
Standard Title
Practice for Performance Testing of Packages for Single Parcel Delivery Systems
Overview for ASTM D7386:
ASTM D7386 is a series of test schedules for evaluating the ability of shipping units intended for the single parcel delivery system to withstand the hazards most endured with the distribution environment. The test schedule is decided by the weight and size of the tested packaged product. This test method is a guideline to conduct the testing accurately with repeatable procedures. Purple Diamond Testing offers ASTM D6653 Testing as part of our packaging compliance and validation testing services.
Rationale for ASTM D7386:
ASTM D7386 – Practice for Performance Testing of Packages for Single Parcel Delivery Systems. Its intended use is to evaluate the performance of packaged products within a small parcel delivery system. This test method is commonly used to confirm packaged products in Pharmaceutical and Biotech companies due to the rigorous testing that is involved.
Specific equipment is used to uphold the ASTM D7386 – Small Parcel Package Testing. Here at Purple Diamond, our 1,500 sq. ft. plus laboratory holds over ten pieces of key equipment or technology as it relates to the ASTM D7386 – Small Parcel Package Testing. A few of the specific and key pieces of equipment include: the temperature and humidity chamber, the hazard unit free drop fall tester, the fork truck, the vacuum chamber, the dart, and more.
We are equipped to manage all your small parcel/single package testing needs here at the lab. Our technicians are happy to supply a no-obligation consultation to work out any questions before getting started. The next step would be to send a sample or two on over to our location!
Through working together, we will decide what the packaged good’s product outcome should look like when it arrives at its destination’s door. Both parties will accept the terms are understood and obtainable. Criteria for ASTM D7386 can be as simple as a pass/fail judgment, or there can be quantitative data. Both the criteria and what is ultimately decided for the package will be determined based on the package’s circumstances and the needs described previously.
Here are the steps more in depth:
1) Determine and describe the sample sizes.
2) Determine what is considered pass/fail.
3) Write out a test plan of action.
4) Pick the actual sample for the test.
5) Prepare samples for testing (conditioning).
6) Perform the actual tests according to the ASTM D7386 standard.
7) Evaluate results of the test.
8) Write down all test findings.
9) Monitor the shipments in both the simulated distribution and the actual distribution.
10) Make any changes necessary if new product or packaging is determined for another new product.
Some of the hazards that a packaged shipment will meet on the road, in the air, or on the sea include, but is not limited to handling, both manual and automated; vibration; impact, both high and low; punctures, concentrated and non; drops.
As mentioned previously, Purple Diamond has the capability to simulate these hazardous elements by using its resources, aka heavy-duty machinery. Some of the tests performed according to ASTM D7386 are the drop impact, the vibration and the vibration under load, the bridge impact, the hazard impact, the high altitude, concentrated impacts, tip-over impacts, rotational edge drops and more.
The more environments and shipping conditions change, the more Purple Diamond will adapt to making sure its customers adhere to the standards of the packaging world. This is for the good of both the end-receiver, as well as the distribution company. Overall, performing these tests can potentially save your company from losing thousands, if not millions of dollars, if there is even one faulty leak in a package. Then the whole product line will more than likely be defective.
At Purple Diamond, we offer a free consultation or a guided tour of our facilities. Consultations can be done over the phone or on zoom, so choose what suits you best. To get in touch, go to our Contact Us page and fill out the form or book an appointment using the calendar below. Our goal is to assist you in any way possible, so please don’t hesitate to contact us. Thank you so much for reading down this far and thank you for considering Purple Diamond as your dedicated testing, engineering, and design facility for all of your packaging needs.

Key Points and Takeaways:
- Evaluates the performance of the packaged-product that’s shipped through a small parcel delivery system
- Utilized for compliance and validation of small parcel shippers
- Consider using ASTM D4169 if testing packaged-products over 150 lbs or packaged-products are shipped on a pallet
Related Standards:
- ASTM D951 – Test Method for Water Resistance of Shipping Containers by Spray Method
- ASTM D4332 – Practice for Conditioning Containers, Packages, or Packaging Components for Testing
- ASTM D5265 – Test Method for Bridge Impact Testing
- ASTM D5487 – Test Method for Simulated Drop of Loaded Containers by Shock Machines
- ASTM D6179 – Test Methods for Rough Handling of Unitized Loads and Large Shipping Cases and Crates
- ASTM D6344 – Test Method for Concentrated Impacts to Transport Packages
- ASTM D6653 – Test Methods for Determining the Effects of High Altitude on Packaging Systems by Vacuum Method
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At Purple Diamond, we offer a free consultation or a guided tour of our facilities. Consultations can be done over the phone or on zoom, so choose what suits you best. To get in touch, go to our Contact Us page and fill out the form or book an appointment using the calendar below. Our goal is to assist you in any way possible, so please don’t hesitate to contact us. Thank you so much for reading down this far and thank you for considering Purple Diamond as your dedicated testing, engineering, and design facility for all of your packaging needs.