Stability Storage – Disaster Recovery Plans
How do you handle unforeseen events that can impact your stability study?
Unfortunately, extreme weather, flooding, fire, power outages, software glitches, and human error are very real possibilities.
Pharmaceutical studies are complicated endeavors. The capital investment, time, and scientific expertise required are considerable. Disruption or delays to a project can result in months or years of lost research, time, financial resources, lost revenue due to a delayed product launch.
How to Mitigate Threats to Your Studies
Identify Risks Early
- Loss of valuable products in long-term storage studies
- Threats to stability trial continuity – power outages, weather, disaster, etc.
- Productivity impacts – downtime, repairs, staffing challenges
- Loss of revenue – delayed regulatory approval and go-to-market timelines
- Quality systems
- Staffing capacity and expertise
- End-to-end project management experience
- Customization capacity
- Corrective and preventive actions systems
- Document control methods
- Successful storage stability study track-record
- Responsiveness/customer service